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About our Lodge

Acacia Lodge No. 61
Fifteen men showed up to attend a meeting of “Freemasons interested in the contemplated establishment of a new Masonic Lodge in Hamilton” at the City Hotel in June 1855.
Elected chairman, William Comlyn Stephens, belonged to six lodges at the time:
• Grenadier Lodge No. 66 Grand Lodge of England (WM in 1853)
• St. John’s Lodge No. 40
• Barton Lodge No. 6 (Affiliated in Jan. 1855)
• Ancient Landmarks (Buffalo)
• Lodge of Strict Observance No. 27 (Affiliated Jan. 1855)
• Union Lodge No. 7 – he lived in Grimsby and eventually becoming an honorary member.
Thomas Bird Harris was elected Secretary. He had affiliated into the Lodge of Strict Observance and had been the first WM of St. John’s Lodge No. 40. Grand Secretary for 19 of the first 20 years of Grand Lodge.
Our first meeting after dispensation was Friday September 14, 1855 for the Installation

Battlefield Lodge No. 714

During the year 1963, members of the the STELCO's (Steel Company of Canada) “M” Club discussed the idea of starting a new Masonic Lodge in Hamilton. The STELCO “M” Club consisted of approximately 600 members from various area Lodges, who at the time of joining the Club were  employees of the Steel Company of Canada Ltd.

Not being men of idle talk, a committee was formed consisting of the following brethren:

  •   W. Bro. Glen Hanson of Tuscan Lodge No. 551

  • W. Bro. Sandy Griffin of  Westmount Lodge No. 671

  • W. Bro. Clayton Malchow of Hamilton Lodge No. 562

  • W. Bro.  Marty Birhelmer of St. John’s Lodge No. 40

  • Bro. Everett Graham  of Tuscan Lodge N0. 551

  • BRO. Bob Philips of Tuscan Lodge No. 551.

The fruits of their labours were realized on the 29th day of June 1964 when Battlefield Lodge was constituted with 60 Charter Members.

R.W. Bro. Eric W. Nancekivell, P.D.D.G.M. of Hamilton District “B”, lead 39 of the Charter Members into the Lodge, and R.W. Bro. Len Hewitt installed W. BRO. Sanford Griffin as the first Worshipful Master of Battlefield Lodge U.D.


On Wednesday November 20, 2019 the two Lodges amalgamated becoming Battlefield Lodge No. 61.

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